Chargemap app features you need to know
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5 Chargemap features you absolutely have to know

There has always been just one goal behind the Chargemap app: to make everyday life easier for EV drivers. But how can you use it to optimum capacity? Here are 5 features you absolutely need to be familiar with to make your electrically-powered journeys as smooth as possible.


1. Get to grips with the Chargemap key

The key is fundamental to using the Chargemap app efficiently. It quite simply helps you understand the icons and colour coding on the charging pool map more quickly.


Chargemap's legend

Consult the key to find the charging station you need more rapidly


There are 3 basic notions:

  1. Chargemap Pass compatibility is represented by a square Chargemap icon.
  2. The colour of the icon corresponds to the power range of the charging station expressed in kW.
  3. The availability of certain charging stations in real time is represented by a red or green dot.


2. Plan your route

The route planner is a really handy feature, much used by some, never used by others. It helps you view the charging stations along your route. You can therefore assess and compare the charging options available in advance. You can also find out the travelling distance and time, and differences in elevation along the way (an important factor for electric vehicles).


Chargemap's route planner

Touch the “Details” button to discover useful information on your route


3. Adopt the “check-in” reflex

The check-in is part of good practice when using public charging stations. It is an important feature because you are informing other drivers that you are currently charging. You are also providing information about the charging station’s reliability.


Chargemap check-in

Doing a check-in on the Chargemap app


If you successfully charged your vehicle while doing a check-in, this information is displayed on the charging station’s detail screen. The same is true if the charging system doesn’t work. This is a way of warning users about any malfunctioning so that they can assess the risk of charging up at the station.


Chargemap check-in display

Examples of check-in displays in the Chargemap app


What’s more, if the network in question has the Chargemap Operator tool, the data is transmitted directly to the operator who can then react fast should their charging infrastructure breakdown or malfunction.


4. Register your vehicle

This feature goes hand-in-hand with the previous one. Log into your account and add one or more vehicles. Once you have entered the model of your electric vehicle, this information is posted up in your check-ins.


Add your electrical vehicle model in the Chargemap app


This can be very useful for drivers who own the same vehicle as you. If they can see that you didn’t manage to charge up a specific model, they can avoid a similar inconvenience with their own vehicle.

Note that this information will form the basis for several features to come. So don’t wait – register your vehicle now!


5. Find your favourite charging stations

If you take the same routes on a regular basis or usually charge up at the same charging pool, the “favourite station” feature means you can quickly find the stations you prefer. You can add or remove a station from your favourites easily, simply by tapping on the “Heart” icon on the detail screen for each charging pool. As a result, you benefit from a “reference” list of charging stations that are compatible with your vehicle and meet your needs.


Find the charging stations you prefer by adding them to your Favourites


In the wake of an eventful year 2019, the Chargemap team is ever more motivated to make your charging experience run more smoothly in 2020. Keep up with the latest Chargemap news on the social media and by subscribing to the newsletter. Great things are in the offing! ?


And if you haven’t done it yet,

Download the Chargemap app

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Knut Fougner
Knut Fougner
24 January 2020 19 h 51 min

Hi! Is there a function that can be activated in ChargeMap to avoid Ionity chargers? Or other chargers/networks with unreasonable pricing policy?

Djémila - Chargemap
Djémila - Chargemap
27 January 2020 14 h 57 min
Reply to  Knut Fougner

Hi! We are currently thinking about adding this function yes since we notice how helpful it could be for you!

25 January 2020 17 h 55 min

The range 30-135 kW is too large for this category; for practical purposes it should be split in two: 30-50 kW (the “fast” chargers) and over 50 (the “superfast”)

Christian Koch
Christian Koch
26 January 2020 10 h 22 min
Reply to  TheFrenchMan


Djémila - Chargemap
Djémila - Chargemap
28 January 2020 13 h 40 min
Reply to  TheFrenchMan

Duly noted! I forward this suggestion to our team so they can improve the tool!

Vojta Dlouhy
Vojta Dlouhy
29 January 2020 22 h 09 min

Hi. Do I actually need a Chargmap pass or can I use the app for charging and paying? And what is the difference between the compatible and not compatible chargers? Thanks

Djémila - Chargemap
Djémila - Chargemap
30 January 2020 8 h 51 min
Reply to  Vojta Dlouhy

Hello! To charge your car on Chargemap’s compatible charging stations, yes, you will need the badge, our app’ does not allow to charge at the moment.
As for the differences between compatible and not compatible charge points, the only difference is that the first ones can be used with our Chargemap Pass, the others cannot.

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